Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Global warming is an event resulting in 2050-2055 termination of human race, caused by politicians.

Global warming is an event resulting in 2050-2055 termination of human race, caused by politicians.

To prevent 2050-2055 end human race it is necessary that politicians must first publicly announce that greenhouse gas emissions and global warming is a problem. Global warming is a national and global urgent security concern.

In a move to suppress centralized knowledge of global warming President Obama disbanded Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Center on Climate Change and National Security, a unit formed in 2009 to monitor interplay between a warming planet and intelligence and security challenges. “Decision makers need information and analysis on the effects climate change can have on security. The CIA is well positioned to deliver that intelligence,” said the Director.   

Currently, U.S. global warming planning and responses are on hold until "untoward politicians" become "toward politicians." Unless U.S. politicians become capable of rising above self interests there will be no life saving global warming responses.  


To alter undeniable catastrophic temperature increase direction, quick reduction of electrical generation hydrocarbon (coal, oil, natural gas) gases is required -- only starting replacement of hydrocarbon energy with nuclear energy may alter course of global warming events by reducing human greenhouse gas emissions.  

Planning -- For U.S. Congress of 2013-2014 to participate in preventing 2017 exceeding of 'global carbon budget,' the 1974 Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) membership is to be replaced by four senior nuclear specialists and one presidential appointee. Revised scope of revised NRC membership is to include supervisions of U.S. 'Nuclear Fuel Cycle' and rapid expansion of U.S. nuclear energy. Global and U.S. plans for global warming reduction are to be produced by intelligence agencies with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).


Prior to 2017, U.S. Federal Debt is projected to exceed $20 trillion, not one dime of which will produce a reduction in global warming temperature increase. Politicians have gone into unprecedented U.S. debt to keep their Obama White House jobs and for Congress to keep left Democratic voting base loyal. Without Obama "change," self interests of politicians has created 2050-2055 end of human races.    

For more than two decades scope and goals of global warming have been sidetracked by political process of deceit, lies, misrepresentation, dishonesty, greed, and corruption.  

Global Warming Response Delays    

Stockholm 1971, a comprehensive gathering of experts from 14 nations focused specifically on climate change -- a "Study of Man's Impact on Climate" (SMIC). All experts agreed in issuing a report with stern warnings about the risk of severe global warming. During 1988, a few outspoken scientists, convinced by new evidence that rapid climate change might be imminent, made the public fully aware of the problem.

With formation of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1974 politicians caped expansion of U.S. nuclear energy, shifting U.S. energy away from nuclear energy to greater dependence on U.S. carbon coal, oil, and natural gas. Rejected by U.S. Senate, Kyoto Protocol (1997) sets the record for most ignored suicide note to be abused by U.S. self serving politicians. Kyoto Protocol spelled out need to reduce global warming greenhouse gas emissions while politicians directed covert undermining of United Nations efforts to reduce emissions. Without mandated accords to reduce use of coal, oil, and natural gas it becomes much more difficult (if not impossible) to stop global warming. Of course not stopping global warming does terminate all human life around 2050-2055.     

In 1990's, special political interest took over United Nations responses to global warming that resulted in 20-years and 17 United Nations 'climate change' meetings during which nothing was accomplished that had anything to due with global warming. In 2005, promoted as "a new social framework which has energy sustainability at his core," U.S. Democratic Communist leadership created "social framework" of green alternatives to energy for siphoning off government funding to special interests while appearing to be addressing 'climate change,' energy issues, and environment. Left Democrats green alternative energy transferred $100's of billions of funds to special interests and created global warming diversions with "green alternative energy." President Obama continue to receive support of special interest coal, oil, natural gas energy industry. To prevent carbon industry competition President Obama further suppressed nuclear energy while promoting green alternative to energy diversions. President Obama alignment with coal, oil, natural gas energy effective monopolies has seriously increased probability of all humans death 2050-2055.   

Of special note in politics and corruption sidetracking global warming responses is Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) summary Fourth Assessment Report (AR4 - 2007). Summary AR4 is intentionally misleading and reflects politicians' push to promote carbon energy industry. Nothing is said of impact upon human existence if greenhouse gases emissions for coal, oil, natural gas continue to follow 'worse path scenario.' Nor is there adequate mention within AR4 of important global warming gas methane continues unabated. Politics of green energy, carbon energy, and nuclear energy has delayed for more than two decades responses necessary to save all human life.          

In December 2009, at Denmark 15th Conference of the Parties (COP-15), President Obama promoted transfer of wealth scheme that derailed global responses to global warming. European-U.S. Democratic Communist 2011 shutdown of German nuclear energy was, in fact, German politicians emulating President Obama's alliance with carbon coal, oil, natural gas energy.

Under President Obama, global warming information provided by government and most universities and colleges is 'tweaked' by White House Staff and appointed "Czars" as to not present conflict with President Obama and U.S. Democratic Communist lack of public global warming policy. Through procedure of Obama's government departments writing, and Czars screening education-research grant topics, grants to science and humanities, universities and colleges exclude mention of nuclear energy as a solution to increasing greenhouse gases. Professors and graduate students know that they cannot produce research that contradicts a policy of President Obama. If there is any contradiction federal grants to colleges or universities is reduced or cut off. Academic global warming misinformation is often produced by media. By coercion U.S. academia and government agencies do not publicly disagree with President Obama or his policies -- they follow orders.     

Media (liberal and conservative) no longer discuss nuclear energy. Politicians and special interests have removed all discussion of nuclear energy as a viable carbon-free energy source.  

President Obama has direct control over government operations and funding though is his appointed department Czars and Cabinet appointees. Congressional legislation is rendered subordinate to President Obama's agenda by Senate leadership. Directly controlling government (and U.S. Senate) assures President Obama that his interest in coal, oil, natural gas energy monopolies remain and is protected from nuclear energy competition.    

For more than two decades, official scope and goals of global warming have been sidetracked by political process of deceit, lies, misrepresentation, dishonesty, greed, and corruption. U.S. political leadership since January 2007 has more firmly established self destructive politics and more firmly established termination of all humans within 40 years. Carbon infrastructure "tip point" will be exceeded in about five years.  

There are only two sources of clean energy that might curb enough greenhouse gases and may save human races: nuclear reactor energy and hydroelectric energy. Hydroelectric energy capacity is maxed out and running into problems. U.S. nuclear energy has been squashed by President Obama.   

If human race provided a proper relationship with Earth and carbon energy resources, the human race could live for a million years. Until such a relationship does develop, we only exist to 2050-2055.


Scientists' growing understanding of Earth-atmosphere system have only lately brought this previously obscure field of science to wider attention. This letter presents a general overview of Earth's regulation of its temperature for hundreds of millions of years. Topics presented are general, but global warming sciences are interactive and when studied in depth is very technical. What you do to global warming now has an effect 20-years from now. Correcting modern global warming is to be done properly the first time, there is no second chance to save human race.

A Few Million Years Ago

Events of millions of years ago form a foundation of Earth knowledge that relates to recent warming trends. Events of 1750 AD to 2050 AD are the Modern Global Warming Era. Earth warming characteristics of volcanic gases are much milder than current human produced global warming gases.

There are three major forms of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) in use today. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago during the Carboniferous Period (360 to 286 million years ago). "Carboniferous" gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal and other fossil fuels. It is human use of fossil fuels for last ~250 years that has created today's global warming.  

252.28 million years ago -- Atmospheric gas composition, physical action, and quantities determine Earth’s global temperature changes: natural volcanic gases (vented from volcanic Siberian Traps) and natural ocean methane hydrates dominate temperature change rates. End Permian (Permian–Triassic extinction event) was greatest mass extinction ever recorded in Earth history. Permian period was between 290 million years ago (Ma) and 252 Ma. At that time the land was a mass Pangaea supercontinent.  

High-precision dating reveals End-Permian extinction peak occurred just before 252.28 +/- 0.08 million years ago. The extinction interval was less than 200,000 years and synchronous in marine and terrestrial realms; associated charcoal-rich and soot-bearing layers indicate widespread wildfires on land. A massive release of global warming carbon dioxide and/or methane may have caused the catastrophic extinction.

At End-Permian Mass Extinction 252.28 million years ago, 95% of all marine life on earth was killed. 70% of all land families became extinct. A major difference between Modern Global Warming temperature increase event and End-Permian Mass Extinction is that Modern Global Warming temperature increase during the beginning stages is hundreds of times faster than End-Permian Period and there are more than 9 billion people involved.

55.8 million years ago -- Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a short interval of maximum temperature lasting approximately 100,000 years during the late Paleocene and early Eocene epochs. Although the underlying causes are unclear, some authorities associate PETM with sudden release of methane hydrates from ocean sediments (see methane burp hypothesis) triggered by a massive volcanic eruption greenhouse gases.

Onset of PETM was geologically rapid, occurring within a few thousand years, and ecological consequences were large, with widespread extinctions in both marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Global temperatures rose at least 5°C (9°F) during transition into PETM. Due to Arctic Region methane hydrate releases, PETM sea surface temperatures in high-latitude Arctic may have been as warm as 23°C (73°F), comparable to modern subtropical and warm-temperate seas.

PETM temperatures rose rapidly over approximately 6,000 years, and then gradually cooled to near-background levels over the next 150,000–200,000 years. Warming was not uniform across the globe: sea surface temperatures increased by ~6 °C at high latitudes and ~4 °C at low latitudes, and deep-water temperatures increased by ~8 °C at high latitudes and ~6 °C at low latitudes. On land, temperatures increased by ~5 °C in the middle latitudes and by ~3 °C near the equator. Evidence for changes in precipitation is mixed.

PETM was a period of rapid extinctions and adaptations as species struggled to adapt to changing environments while facing fierce competition from migrating species.

Temperature rose steadily in PETM due to slow release of greenhouse gas (around 2 billion tons per year). Today, Modern Global Warming Era fossil fuel burning in U.S. is to exceed 35 billion tons of carbon released into the atmosphere every year, driving Earth's warming temperatures up at an incredible rate. A corresponding rapid increase in powerful global warming methane is also occurring. Ocean methane hydrate has regional positive warming properties that makes it an exceptional natural global warming gas.     

PETM severe drought may have led to increased wildfires. Research shows that permafrost on a then glacier-free Antarctica thawed, also released carbon dioxide and methane. Another interesting source of carbon that some scientists hypothesize is burning of peat and coal seams. Peat is decayed vegetation and has a very high hydrocarbon and methane content having very high global warming potentials. Peat, found in large quantities in Arctic and Amazon surface soil, when ignited can burn and smolder for as long as centuries. Current global coal fire emission are estimated to be three percent of the world's annual carbon emissions. Unless global warming tipping points are now prevented, at some future time it is postulated that all of Amazon forest will be completely destroyed by wildfires.

Regional water cycles can change dramatically during Modern Global Warming Era. Of concern is lack of sustainable water supplies -- such as excessive withdrawal of underground water (in particular withdrawal of fossil water) and inadequate surface water flows. Current evaluations of global and regional global warming temperature increases indicate that significant numbers of regions are within a few tenths of degree Celsius of having their natural water cycle seriously impacted. Human impacts upon groundwater storage has been greatly under appreciated.     

Increased temperatures and increased agricultural demands increases demand for water and does have direct effect upon plant and animal food-chains.

Modern Global Warming Era is an accelerated PETM event, modern temperature changes are to be devastating. Unless political changes occur that result in timely change to course of global warming, no human survives past 2050-2055.  

Interglacial Cycles -- Natural historical Earth interglacial temperature cycles result from natural carbon dioxide and methane levels that are determined by changes of sun’s relative position to Earth orbit described by Milankovitch orbital variations.  

Historical Earth interglacial cycles are ~90,000 to ~100,000-year (Milankovitch) temperature cycles. Current Milankovitch temperature cycle has been overtaken by ~250 years of human hydrocarbon energy (coal, oil, natural gas) activity that produces human and natural greenhouse gas emissions.  

Earth's 1750 AD temperature was maintained by Earth rotation and orbital position (Milankovitch cycles), volcanic gases, methane, and global warming gases transitions in the carbon cycle over hundreds of millions of years. Human greenhouse gas emissions now dominate Earth's warming cycle.    

11,000 Years Ago To Now -- Studies shows recent greenhouse gas and global heat spike unlike anything seen in 11,000-years -- decade of 1900 to 1910 was one of the coolest in the past 11,300-years -- marine fossil data suggest cooler than 95 percent of other years. Yet, 100-years later, decade of 2000 to 2010 was one of the warmest. In 100-years, we have gone from the cold end of the spectrum to warm end of Earth warming spectrum. This global temperature shift is an extraordinary event. Recent 100-year global heat spike “has no precedent.”

Warming of Earth -- Solar energy is conveyed through atmosphere absorbed by Earth. Infrared radiation (heat) is emitted by Earth and a large portion of which is absorbed within atmosphere by global warming greenhouse gases. As atmospheric density of greenhouse gases increases so does Earth's atmosphere warming increase. Resulting is Earth's warming temperature increases causing climate change. Some greenhouse gases stay in atmosphere very long so climate changing effects can last for millions of years.  

Prior to Industrial Age, Earth was warmed through natural interactions. Modern emission of greenhouse gases are dominated by human carbon dioxide and methane.


It is human population growth and Industrial Age use of carbon energy for ~250 years that has created modern global warming. If human race provided a proper relationship with Earth and carbon resources, the human race could live for a million years. Until such a relationship does develop, we only exist to 2050-2055.

In 2010, fossil fuel energy released 30 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. By comparison, current volcano global warming greenhouse gas emissions are very much less than human carbon emissions. How fast carbon and methane enters atmosphere translates to how fast Earth temperature increases after delays. Environmental and societal consequences of Earth warming at current greenhouse gas emissions rate will be devastating.

In 1983, U.S. National Academy of Sciences called climate change "a cause for concern," which was an understatement. In 1990's, special interests, politicians, media, and other untoward took over United Nations and national global warming responses. For more than two decades scope and goals of global warming have been sidetracked by political process of deceit, lies, misrepresentation, dishonesty, greed, and corruption.    

Methane, principal component of natural gas, is a carbon compound that has a hydrocarbon chain. In chemistry, a hydrocarbon is any chemical compound that consists only of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) elements. Important is that methane (aka, natural gas) density level within atmosphere is increasing, which adds to global warming. Methane is emitted from coal mining, petrochemical operations, etc. and by natural emissions. A vast (very vast) store of methane is within Arctic Region as temperature-pressure dependent methane hydrate compound. Since end PETM and return of cooler Arctic temperatures, Arctic Ocean underwater exposures to coal, oil, natural gas have produced the methane hydrate compound now in temperature sensitive storage. Recent 100-year global heat spike affects Arctic Region methane storage.      

It is not fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) that produces heat. Rather, heating of fossil fuel hydrocarbons release methane compound that burns, which producers heat and greenhouse gases.       

There are two major hydrocarbon global warming gases: carbon dioxide and methane, with methane having a much greater 0-20 year global warming potential. 1750 greenhouse gas levels: carbon dioxide concentration levels were ~280 parts per million (ppm) and methane was ~0.700 ppm. In 2011, carbon dioxide concentration levels were 391 ppm and methane was 1.813 ppm. Growing levels of both carbon dioxide and methane pose a threat to continued survival of human races. Stratospheric aerosols also plays an important part in global warming. Modern global warming increasing rate of change has been disturbingly steep. Environmental adaptation to global warming has not gone well.    

When human races die from global warming it dies slowly, painfully, and with certainty. With increased global temperatures many areas experiences water decreases. Human food-chain does not well adapt to temperature increase and/or water cycle changes. The end is as simple as a cascading unrecoverable food-chain collapse. More than nine billion people die 2050-2055.    

Zero human greenhouse gases emissions could be achieved with significant nuclear energy expansion (which replaces greenhouse gases of fossil fuel energy). However, continued stability of Arctic Region methane hydrate compound is a global warming wild card. At any time, if Arctic Region methane hydrate compound becomes seriously unstable, there may occur methane gas eruption that could destroy Earth's human races within a week.    

Global responses to global warming must be timely and measured. By mid 2013, U.S. Congress and world must announce and do what it takes to stabilize global warming carbon dioxide and methane emissions. There must be global commitment to reducing global warming.    

Global Warming Response Planning  

Necessary reductions to global warming greenhouse gases is politically opposed. Nuclear energy is only clean energy source that can provide energy for global economic expansion. There are no technical reasons not to rapidly expand nuclear energy. If we are to achieve human greenhouse gas emissions cap by 2020 and zero emissions by 2050 -- nuclear energy is required. Continue use of fossil fuel destroys all human races 2050-2055.

No nation maintains a viable organization to respond to countering global warming temperature increase. Not in place is needed central organization to coordinate implementation of identified needed energy, social, and environmental responses.

For U.S. Congress of 2013-2014 to participate in preventing 2017 exceeding of 'global carbon budget,' the 1974 Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) membership is to be replaced by four senior nuclear specialists and one presidential appointee. Revised scope of revised NRC membership is to include supervisions of U.S. 'Nuclear Fuel Cycle' and rapid expansion of U.S. nuclear energy. Global and U.S. plans for global warming reduction are to be produced by intelligence agencies with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).

With electioneering President Obama dominating U.S. politics and media -- U.S. and world lacks productive global warming leadership. President Obama, White House Staff, and political appointees are unreliable and counter productive to saving world population from projected death by global warming -- changes are necessary.