Monday, February 27, 2012

Global Warming - The Very End

Without changes to human caused greenhouse gas emission there is certainty that all of humanity parishes 2050-2099 CE, most likely 2050-2055 CE.

It is both atmospheric carbon dioxide and powerful global warming methane projected gas levels that are the major global warming temperature-increase forces. Self-serving media and politicians have suppressed and undermined identification of the causes and terminal impact of modern global warming. The global warming situation is now critical. Although nuclear energy and hydrologic water energies are the only energies with sufficient clean energy capacity to curb global warming temperature increase; the European-U.S. communist political leadership oppose expansion of that clean energy. For these major reasons, the media and U.S. self-serving politicians are to be called to task for crimes against humanity. The majority of the European-U.S. communist political movement supports continued use of hydrocarbon energy, it is therefore difficult to identify who has the the authority to judge and correct global warming wrong and evil.   

Crimes Against Humanity

The Arctic Region global warming gases were once noted in the 1990s by the scientific community of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, with the European-U.S. 1990s communist takeover of UN responses to global warming, international consideration of Arctic global warming has become politically restricted. UN, European, California U.S.A., and U.S. congressional global warming responses are now strictly controlled by European-U.S. political leadership. It is this coordinated leadership that refuses to acknowledge catastrophic global warming. By their lack of global warming responses, European-U.S. political leadership are committing crimes against humanity.

The neo communist movement continues to undermine consideration of nuclear energy construction. European-U.S. communist have turned global warming into a transfer of wealth priority and a social cause for alternative renewable green energy and carbon cap-and-trade. The political correctness of global warming is now established too favor $100s of billions of short-term political and special interest energy-corruption. Keep in mind political corruption and self interests are not only deeply involved alternative renewable green energy and carbon cap and trade, the corruption and crimes against humanity are also deeply engaged in retaining and expanding the multi-national multi-trillion dollar global hydrocarbon industries of coal, oil, and natural gas. Too many politicians have too little regard for human races continued life.      

Arctic Region Global Warming Gas

First, understand the Arctic Region release of methane is a ticking time bomb. The Arctic has enough latent global warming heating capacity to destroy within a year all of human life.  

It is the unique geophysical and massive human use of hydrocarbon energy since 1750 CE that results in a very extraordinary fast moving change of global warming events.

As the global and Arctic regional temperatures rise,  Arctic Region LAND permafrost releases large amounts of hydrocarbon gases and methane. The same hydrocarbon gases are released from Arctic Region OCEAN permafrost from huge methane hydrate (aka, methane clathrate) deposits.  

The clathrate gun hypothesis suggests that a mass release of methane from methane clathrates on the ocean floor may have triggered catastrophic global warming, in turn causing mass extinction, at least once in the Earth's ancient past. Methane clathrates are not found all over the ocean floor — only on the continental shelves. The shallow waters of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and shallows of the Northwest Passages linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans contain huge (or massive) amounts of methane clathrate deposits. Release of Arctic methane can be relatively slow or can be a clathrate gun release; no matter which it is, Arctic methane does have a catastrophic global warming effect.    

Unlike carbon dioxide, portions of which which can remain in the atmosphere several 1,000s of years (with a global warming potential (GWP) of 1), methane persists in the air for 20-years with a GWP of 56, 100-years GWP 21, and 500-years GWP 6.5. Therefore, aggressively reining in Arctic methane emissions now would mean that far less of the gas would be warming Earth over 20-years, or in the flowing millenniums, caused by the continuous new Arctic Region methane gas venting. Arctic Ocean methane venting in some amounts could occur daily for millenniums.

Polar Region Northwest Passage and Baffin Bay contain vast shallow methane hydrate (aka, clathrate) deposits that remain unexplored. Venting of Polar Region methane is a hugely under identified global threat to human races existence. The shallow waters of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and land temperatures responded with temperature increase and more carbon and methane release; a destructive positive regenerative gas release-temperature increase is established that accelerates the rate of regional (and global) temperature increase. Said differently, the Arctic positive regenerative feedback loop produces methane release, which increases regional temperature, more methane is released, more regional temperature is increased, more methane is released, etc. This type of positive feedback is a cascade failure mode for the more than 200 million years of "normal" geophysical Earth temperature regulation for glacial and interglacial periods.   

The only way to reduce the peril of an Arctic exceeding tripping points is to reduce global warming temperature increase.

This necessary reduction of global warming temperature rise is what the 1990s European-U.S. communist takeover of UN responses has omitted from 2000-to-present WITHIN official UN global warming reporting. Increasingly disturbing is the fact that under President Obama the government does not produce any meaningfully U.S. government global warming reports. The European-U.S. governments ability to effectively report upon global warming is in considerable doubt. There is ALSO a very disturbing ongoing profound U.S. political corruption of global warming data and falsified (or very misleading) government and private global warming reporting.

Catastrophic global warming events are suffering from coordinated benign neglect and political/media misdirection. The main media continues to be active in deceiving humanity as to the peril and catastrophic events of global warming leading up to sure 2050-2099 CE demise of human races.  

Arctic Region warming is an extremely important global event:  

"Teetering on an Arctic tipping point"

We are seeing the first signs of dangerous climate change in the Arctic. This is our warning that humanity is facing a dire future.

7 Feb 2012

The Arctic region is fast approaching a series of ‘tipping points’ that could trigger an abrupt domino effect of large-scale climate change across the entire planet. The region contains arguably the greatest concentration of potential tipping elements.

If set in motion, these can generate profound alterations which will place the Arctic not at the periphery, but at the core of the Earth system. There is evidence that these chain reactions have begun. This has major consequences not just for nature, but for the future of humankind as the changes progress.

Research shows that the Arctic is now warming at three times the global average. The loss of Arctic summer sea-ice forecast over the next four decades – if not before – is expected to have abrupt knock-on effects in northern mid-latitudes, including Beijing, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Berlin and New York. The loss of sea ice – which melted faster in summer than predicted – is linked tentatively to recent extreme cold winters in Europe.

Arctic records show unambiguously that sea ice volume has declined dramatically over the past two decades. In the next 10 years, summer sea ice could be largely confined to north of coastal Greenland and Ellesmere Island, and is likely to disappear entirely by mid-century.

Some environmental and biological elements, including weakening of the oceanic biological carbon pump and the thermohaline circulation,melting of the Greenland ice cap, thawing of Arctic permafrost and methane hydrate deposit, the decline of forest and peat fires in the boreal region, may be linked in a domino effect of tipping points that cascade rapidly once this summer sea ice is lost.

Despite this danger, semantic confusion masquerading as scientific debate – although providing excellent media fodder – had delayed an urgent need to start managing the reality of dangerous climate change in the Arctic.

And of course there are those who benefit from a warmer Arctic. A drop in Arctic ice has opened new shipping routes, expanded oil, gas, and mineral exploitation, increased military and research use, and led to new harbours, houses, roads, airports, power stations and other support facilities.

It has triggered a new gold rush to access these resources, with recent struggles by China, Brazil and India to join the Arctic Council where the split of these resources is being discussed. Not everyone is in favour of reducing the impact of warming on Arctic ice.

But all of us need to take this melting seriously. Top predators such as polar bears are declining. More methane gas is entering the atmosphere as permafrost and submarine methane hydrates thaw. Freshwater discharge has increased 30 per cent in recent years. And the Arctic Sea is warming faster as the ice cap melts, trapping more solar heat instead of reflecting it back into space, since ice reflects about 90 per cent of the indecent solar radiation compared to the absorption of 60 per cent of solar radiation by an open ocean surface devoid of ice.

In the subarctic region, die back of the boreal forest and desiccation of peat deposits is leading to uncontrolled peat fires (such as those that plagued Russia in the summer of 2010) increases with warmer weather. This burning will further enhance greenhouse gas emissions.

We expect the Arctic will switch from being a carbon dioxide sink to become instead a source of greenhouse gases if seawater temperatures rise 4-5°C.

The rate of Arctic climate change is now faster than ecosystems and traditional Arctic societies can adapt to. Tipping points do not have to be points of no return. Several tipping points, such as the loss of summer sea ice and melting of permafrost, may be reversible in principle – although hard in practice.

However, should these changes involve the extinction of species – such as polar bears, walruses, ice-dependent seals and more than 1000 species of ice algae – the changes could represent a point of no return.

The Arctic crisis is a test of our capacity as scientists, and as societies, to respond to abrupt climate change. We need to stop debating the existence of tipping points in the Arctic and start managing their dangerous reality.


Methane persists in the air for 20-years with a global warming potential that is 56 time greater than carbon. Over 100-years the global warming potential is 21 greater than carbon. There are to be releases of huge reservoirs of methane clathrate (or methane hydrate) stored in marine sediments (500 - 10,000 gigatons of carbon) and stored in Arctic Regions permafrost (7.5 - 400 gigatons). The melt-rate of Arctic Region methane clathrates now is a increasingly major deciding factor for the rate of global warming temperature increase.     

End-Permian Mass Extinction  

The geologic model for today's global warming is End-Permian Mass Extinction 252.28 Ma (million years ago).

At the end of the Permian period, life on Earth was almost completely wiped out by an environmental catastrophe of a magnitude never seen before (until the Modern Global Warming Era). All over the world complex ecosystems were destroyed. Only 5 per cent of species survived the catastrophe, and for the next 500,000 years life itself teetered on the brink of oblivion. Massive volcanic eruptions, sustained over half-a-million years or more, caused catastrophic environmental deterioration - poison gas, global warming, stripping of soils and plants from the landscape, eruption of gases from their frozen locations deep in the oceans, and mass deoxygenation. The Siberian Traps were not formed by explosive eruptions from classic cone-shaped volcanoes. More commonly, the basalt erupted through fissures, long cracks in the ground, as occurs within Iceland today. The volcanoes were accompanied by prodigious outpourings of gases, mostly carbon dioxide. The effect of these gases was devastating. It took 20 or 30 million years for coral reefs to correct for acidification, and for the forests to regrow. In some settings, it took 50 million years or more for full ecosystem complexity to recover. Geologists and palaeontologists are only just beginning to get to grips with this most profound recording of the End-Permian geophysical crises.  

Carbon dioxide geologically cycles in and out of oceans over time (ie, carbon cycle). A scientific team has found for only one period in the last 180 million years when the oceans changed even remotely as fast as today: the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) 53.6 Ma. It is suspected that PETM global warming occurred when Pangaea was splitting into separate continents; huge amounts of carbon were released into the atmosphere and oceans in the form of carbon dioxide and methane. Most ocean sediments older than 180 million years have been recycled back into the deep earth, scientists have fewer older records to work with prior to 180 million years ago. Because of ocean sediment recycle, End-Permian Mass Extinction 252.28 Ma (million years ago) period needs additional paleoclimate analysis. The effects of ocean acidification today are overshadowed for now by other problems, ranging from sewage pollution and hotter summer temperatures that threaten corals with disease and bleaching. It may take until 2030-2050 CE before ocean acidification's effect on marine life increasingly shows itself.

A major difference between Modern Global Warming temperature increase event and End-Permian Mass Extinction 252.28 Ma is that Modern Global Warming temperature increase during the beginning stages at 1750 CE is about 10 times faster than the End-Permian Period. Now there are more than 9 billion people involved with the global temperature increase.  

End-Permian Mass Extinction of 252.28 Ma is an interesting factor. However, if humans no longer exists past 2099 CE, what happens latter within the Modern Global Warming Era is of little interest.

Modern Global Warming Era  

The simplest and most plausible explanation for the Modern Global Warming Era is an accelerated mimic of End-Permian Mass Extinction that involves 9-billion people.  

Population size and gross domestic product (GDP) size drives post 1750 CE human (anthropogenic) energy consumption and resulting carbon dioxide level increase.

Current human life support systems now absorb 42 percent of the planet’s entire terrestrial net primary productivity. We have transformed 50 percent of all land. We have changed the chemical composition of the whole biosphere and all the world’s seas, bringing on global warming and ocean acidification. Most importantly, we raised the extinction rate from a natural level of one extinction per million species per year up to 30,000 per year; three per hour, with a build up to the current population of 6.8 billion people. Expected before 2050 CE are more than 9 billion people. Expected by 2017 CE humans exceed the global carbon budget with hydrocarbon infrastructure-lock-in. Spaceship Earth control systems for continued human life is exceeded, human life ends 2050-2099 CE. All theories about global warming that are to the contrary to this presentation do not have acceptable supporting evidence.

Since 1750 CE, humans have produced an accumulation of a prodigious outpourings of global powerful warming gases, mostly carbon dioxide. Resulting from increased human carbon dioxide emissions, there are Arctic Region methane gas released from huge stores of methane hydrate (aka, methane clathrate).

If all human hydrocarbon emissions were to stop now, Earth's temperature will continue to rise from existing atmospheric excesses of global warming gases for more than 50-years. Since ambient 1750 CE pre industrial times, Modern Global Warming concentrations of greenhouse gases has increased significantly. Greenhouse gas increased above natural global warming concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increased ~39% and methane (CH4) concentration is increased ~164%. 1750 CE tropospheric concentration greenhouse concentrations levels were 280 ppm and interglacial methane peak levels 700 ppb. Carbon dioxide concentrations levels are ~390 ppm and for methane are ~1,850 ppb.

Positive atmospheric energy imbalance (measured in W/m2) increases global warming temperature that exceeds Earth’s capacity to sustain any of the lives of 9 billion people, 2050-2099 CE. Unless there are changes to human greenhouse gas emissions, all those who are not yet born, and those who are now children and young adults under the age of 30-years, shall die 2050-2099 CE of global warming, ending the 160 thousand year journey of mankind.   

The Modern Global Warming Path is Clear

Thanks to the abysmal and unforgivable failure of the world’s leadership, 20-years and 17 rounds of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) "climate change" negotiations have failed to give full effect and deliver any fair, ambitious, and binding GLOBAL WARMING deal for maintaining "climate" at a livable level. The fate of humanity is in the hands of political systems and multinational political machines and Earth’s unyielding geophysical balance.   

Unless there are changes to human greenhouse gas emissions, all those who are not yet born, and those who are now children and young adults under the age of 30-years, shall die 2050-2099 CE of global warming, ending the 160 thousand year journey of mankind.

In the U.S. we produce, close to 20 tons carbon per person primarily resulting from having a high GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) and a energy inefficient LIFESTYLE. A French report in 2006 deemed that humanity must freeze its annual carbon emissions at 4-billion tons (to maintain a 450 ppm goal/+2 oC Limit) or 0.6 tons for each of the planet's 6.8 billion people, much less than the U.S. 20 tons figure. Therefore, we are either producing 10x too much carbon  (according to earlier estimates) or 30x too much carbon (based on the French report). Either way the U.S. carbon footprint is causing a serious threat to continued human races 2050-2099 CE survival.

International Energy Agency’s (IEA) new “World Energy Outlook 2011” (WEO 2011) report states key issues to curbing global warming “infrastructure lock-in” of the “carbon budget.” Carbon budget refers to the contribution of various sources of carbon dioxide on the planet. Carbon budget has nothing to do with political agendas, climate change legislation, carbon controls, carbon storage, or geopolitical carbon footprint. Carbon budget is a global physical event. Infrastructure coal plants and oil extraction methods in countries of China, India, Europe, Canada, the U.S., and other nations are rapidly being constructed right now. National leaders are now “locking-in the global carbon budget.”  

Energy Safety

Nuclear Safety - Since the THREE MILE ISLAND 28 March 1979 incident, the political U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) members have withheld new nuclear design and construction permits. U.S. politicians (through their NRC political members) claimed "nuclear safety" as justification not to permit new nuclear facilities for more than 30-years. The 30-years of U.S. congressional energy activity was designed not to expand clean nuclear energy but to expand special interest global coal, oil, and gas industries. All "safety" claims against current nuclear technology are political lies.    

While nuclear power plants are designed to be safe in their operation and safe in the event of any malfunction or accident, no industrial activity can be represented as entirely risk-free. Incidents and accidents may happen, and as in other industries, will lead to progressive improvement in safety. The three significant accidents in the 50-year history of civil nuclear power generation are:

⇨ Three Mile Island (USA 1979) where the reactor was severely damaged but radiation was contained and there were no adverse health or environmental consequences. Failures in the non-nuclear secondary system, followed by a stuck-open pilot-operated relief valve (PORV) in the primary system allowed large amounts of nuclear reactor coolant to escape.
⇨ Chernobyl (Ukraine 1986) where the destruction of the reactor by steam explosion and fire killed 31 people and had significant health and environmental consequences. The death toll has since increased to about five.   
⇨ Fukushima (Japan 2011) where three older reactors (together with a fourth) were written off as the effects of loss of cooling due to a huge tsunami were inadequately contained.

To achieve optimum safety, nuclear plants in the western world operate using a 'defence-in-depth' approach, with multiple safety systems supplementing the natural features of the reactor core. These can be summed up as: Prevention, Monitoring, and Action (to mitigate consequences of failures). Key aspects of the approach are:

⇨ high-quality design & construction,
⇨ equipment which prevents operational disturbances or human failures and errors developing into problems,
⇨ comprehensive monitoring and regular testing to detect equipment or operator failures,
⇨ redundant and diverse systems to control damage to the fuel and prevent significant radioactive releases,
⇨ provision to confine the effects of severe fuel damage (or any other problem) to the plant itself.

Globally, there are clocked about 14,000 reactor years for nuclear plant for nuclear plant operations.

Coal Safety - Total global brown coal/lignite production in 2010 est is 1042 million tonnes, down from 1184 million tonnes in 1990 CE. In 2010, world hard coal production increased by 6.8%, compared to 1.8% in 2009. It continued to be driven by growth in production from the non-OECD countries with 8.4% growth.

In the 1950s the annual death toll in world coal mines was 70,000. A World Bank study finds that the health costs of air and water pollution in China amount to about 4.3 percent of its GDP. Within China, coal is the primary source of electrical energy.

Coal mining deaths range from 0.009 per million tonnes of coal mined in Australia through 0.034 in U.S. to more than 1 per million tonnes in China and in Ukraine.

China's total death toll from coal mining to 2008 averaged well over 4000 per year - official figures give 5300 in 2000 CE, 5670 in 2001 CE and 6995 in 2003 CE, 6027 in 2004 CE, about 6000 in 2005 CE, 4746 in 2006 CE, 3786 in 2007 CE, 3210 in 2008 CE and 2631 in 2009 CE.  This data omits small Chinese illegal collieries. A report by the World Bank in cooperation with the Chinese government found that about 750,000 people die prematurely in China each year from air pollution.  

From 1880 to 1910, U.S. mine explosions and other accidents claimed thousands of victims. The deadliest year in U.S. coal mining history was 1907, when 3,242 deaths occurred. That year, America's worst mine explosion ever killed 358 people near Monongah, WV. The rate of coal mining deaths decreased from about .20 fatalities per 200,000 hours worked by miners (or one death per million production hours) in 1970 to about .07 fatalities in 1977 and an average of .03 fatalities for the 2001-2005 period. U.S. average mining fatalities and injuries in 2006-2007 was 69 and average annual injuries was 11,800.

In Australia (claimed to have the safest mines in the world) 281 coal miners have been killed in 18 major disasters since 1902, and there have been 112 deaths in NSW mines since 1979.  

Anti-Nuclear False Political Safety Claims - For 40-years U.S. politicians have severely impeded the growth of clean nuclear and hydroelectric energy to promote continued use of coal energy. The political claim against nuclear energy was/is that nuclear is not "safe." Politicians and NRC members increased the cost of nuclear facilities by staggering amounts with many political justifications claiming “safety.” Resulting from the 1970s politics, U.S. nuclear plant construction costs skyrocketed from a reactor estimated at 1980 CE $660 million ballooned to 2010 CE $8.87 billion. The political purpose of increasing nuclear energy costs for "safety" reasons was/is to render nuclear energy non-economically competitive to coal, oil, and natural gas. The U.S. Congress appears to has no interest in saving human races from global warming temperature increase.

Germany, claimed nuclear "safety" reasons to justify its 2011 closure of seven reactors and legislatively ban by 2022 CE all nuclear reactor energy. The European-U.S. anti-nuclear drive was boosted by Germany's Green party, which took control in late March 2011 of the Christian Democrat stronghold of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Germany politicians, like U.S. politicians, shut down the nuclear industry to favor expanding established hydrocarbon based economies.    

President Obama, his administration, and U.S. Senate have compounded global warming problems with their continued political anti-nuclear policies. European-U.S. neo communism will destroy human races in order to retain control over national hydrocarbon economies.

The axis of evil is politically correct responses to global warming while the same untoward politicians undermine honest efforts to correct a situation that leads to the destruction of human races.   

Pending Global Warming Events  

Humans are about five years away from building enough carbon-spewing infrastructures to lock-in a hydrocarbon infrastructure and make it extremely difficult — if not impossible — to avoid greatly exceeding 450-ppm carbon dioxide. The point of global warming no-return comes around 2017 CE.  

Global temperatures are on a path to rise by an average to an unlivable 6 oC by the end of the century. Carbon dioxide emissions have risen by 29% in the past decade alone.

Nuclear energy and hydrologic energies are the only energies with sufficient clean energy capacity to curb global warming temperature increase. If greenhouse gas emissions do not plateau by 2020 CE and decline thereafter, a sequence of global temperature increase events occurs:

  +2.0°C: Unless natural and human greenhouse gases peak by 2020 CE, in 2030-2040 CE Earth global warming temperature increase shall exceed +2.0°C limit above preindustrial average temperature. Atmospheric carbon dioxide content exceeds 450 ppm.  
 Groundwater - There has been very little research on the impact of global warming on groundwater, including the question of how climate change will affect the relationship between surface waters and aquifers that are hydraulically connected. Postulated is wipe out of agriculture and cattle ranching occurs as sand dunes and dust bowls appear across five US states, from Texas in the south to Montana in the north. Major to massive dust storms sweep the U.S. Midwest. Saltwater inundation of coastal groundwater stores will expand. Groundwater/aquifer pollution such as saltwater encroachment associated with over drafting of aquifers or natural leaching from natural occurring deposits are natural sources of pollution.
 Rising sea levels - Rising sea levels accelerate as the Greenland ice sheet tips into irreversible melt, submerging atoll nations and low-lying deltas. In Peru, disappearing Andean glaciers mean 10 million people face water shortages. Warming seas wipe out the Great Barrier Reef and make coral reefs virtually extinct throughout the tropics. Worldwide, a third of all species on the planet face extinction. In the 20th century, sea level rise has been accelerating and over the last decades.  Remedial global warming action has become ineffectual to prevent catastrophic temperature increase.
  Rain forest turns to desert - The Amazonian rain forest burns in a firestorm of catastrophic ferocity, covering South America with ash and smoke. Once the smoke clears, the interior of Brazil has become desert, and huge amounts of extra carbon have entered the atmosphere, further boosting global warming. The entire Arctic ice cap disappears in the summer months, leaving the North Pole ice-free for the first time in 3 million years. Water supplies run short in California as the Sierra Nevada snow pack melts away. Tens of millions displaced as the Kalahari Desert expands across southern Africa.
  +4.0°C to +4.4°C: Post 2050-2055 CE, scientists warn only one-tenth of the world’s people might survive to 2099 CE. Students now enrolled in schools and universities face this future.
   WATER - Rapidly rising temperatures in the Arctic Region (like Siberia) sea and land permafrost in the melt zone, releasing vast quantities of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) producing a temperature rise. Melting ice caps and sea level rises have displace more than 100 million people, particularly in Bangladesh, the Nile Delta, and Shanghai. Heat waves and drought make much of the sub-tropics uninhabitable: large-scale migration even takes place within Europe, where deserts are growing in southern Spain, Italy, and Greece. More than half of wild species wiped out, in the worst mass extinction since the end of the dinosaurs. Agriculture collapses in Australia. Decreasing water availability and increasing drought in mid-latitudes and semi-arid low latitudes result in the Amazon drying up. With temperature increase, more moisture is present in the air, more surface water evaporation, and more aquifer over drafting occurs. There is a resulting large transfer of potable aquifer water (and surface water) to oceans and atmosphere.
  ECOSYSTEMS – There are major extinctions around the globe. Coral mortality is spreading due to ocean acidification and surface/mid-depth ocean warming. Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net carbon source, as ~40% of ecosystems affected.  
  FOOD - All production of cereals decrease. There is increased ocean acidification, increased water hypoxia, and a devastating decreases in fish biomass. Food chain disruptions occur.
  COAST – There is increased damage from floods and storms, with about 30% loss of coastal wetlands. Additional 2 to 15 million people are at risk of coastal flooding each year. There is increased loss of groundwater storage capacity from saltwater inundation into coastal aquifers. “500-year floods” and storm surges occur once every 25 to 240 years while "100-year" flood/storm surge events occur every 3-20 years.  
  HEALTH – There are increased health burdens from malnutrition, diarrhoeal, cardio-respiratory, and infectious diseases with increased morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods, and droughts.  Substantial increased burden on health services.
  ECONOMIC INVESTMENTS - Investment in the world economy is like being a frog in a pot of slowly heated water. The point at which the frog dies is understood. The question is how much will the the investment advisers and media keep turning up the heat under uninformed investors.
  SOCIAL STABILITY – Society’s social structure will increasingly breakdown as life support systems break down under the demands of increased population, increased climate change, increased regional temperatures, decreased food supplies, and increased life support distribution issues.  
  SINGLE EVENTS - Long-term commitment to several meters of sea-level rise due to ice sheet loss, leading to reconfiguration of coastlines worldwide and inundation of low-lying areas. It is to be noted that the (<10%) likelihood in the 21st century Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) shutdown may still be significant given the high consequences of an abrupt shutdown. MOC shutdown includes adverse effects on food production and terrestrial vegetation, changes in fisheries and effects on oceanic carbon dioxide uptake and oceanic oxygen concentrations, an increased warming of southern hemisphere high latitudes and tropical drying.  Weather change patterns are also associated with MOC and Thermohaline Circulation (THC) activity.
  +5.4°C: This global temperature increase is reached prior to 2099 1.1-meter (3.6 feet) rise of sea level by 2099. Only a very small fraction of the 9-10 billion population could continue to exist at the Polar Regions.     
  +6.0°C: Long-term effects on global warming “climate change” are largely "irreversible" for more than millions of years. Anthropogenic and natural global warming greenhouse gas concentrations previously exceeded critical temperature stabilization “trip points.” Human races have been extinguished. Before this point no one is around to care about what happens next.  

Human "Adaptive" Planning - No nation maintains a viable organization or life support planning necessary to respond global warming changes. No nation has proposed a plan or a process that is necessary to prevent many centuries of global warming temperature increase.  

In order of importance U.S. response to global warming results from: increased left European-U.S. communist activity, the calcified U.S. left Democrat Senate, President Obama leadership (or lack thereof), a calculating self-serving oblivious media, U.S. political action committees (PACs), paid internet hackers, "progressive grassroots" supporters of current administrations, and established hydrocarbon industries protecting their own interests. The media handling of global warming is terrible and without regard to the harm caused by benign neglect of proper identification of causes and effects of global warming. U.S. global warming misinformation is sourced from The White House, radical neo communist political appointees, and political Czars, causing non-responsiveness of U.S Senate and government agencies now under neo communist directions. It is evil media and evil politicians who are destroying human races.   

Continuing current human and natural greenhouse gas emissions, the atmospheric carbon level exceeds 450 ppm at 2030-2040 CE. There is no "official" planning or organization in place that is authorized to require global warming corrections. Politicians have until 2017 CE to prevent exceeding the global carbon budget with hydrocarbon infrastructure-lock-in.  

Nuclear energy and hydrologic energies are the only energies with sufficient clean energy capacity to curb global warming temperature increase. If greenhouse gas emissions do not plateau by 2020 CE and declines thereafter, a sequence of global temperature increase natural and human events occurs. These events must be reasonably identified and reported to formulate an effective global warming response plan.

It is necessary for the U.S. Congress to task U.S. military and U.S. intelligence agency resources to provide timely global warming assessments and projections and necessary global warming reduction planning to sustain and support human races existence past 2050-2099 CE (but more closely to 2050-2055 CE).