Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spaceship Earth’s global warming energy

Global warming temperature increase is a response to atmospheric accumulations of human and natural carbon dioxide and methane emission since the 1750 CE start of the industrial revolution. The most important reason the world has not responded to to global warming is the result of the U.S. political machinery suppressing for more than 30-years the expansion of nuclear energy as a replacement energy for the U.S. carbon economy.    

The future progress of Earth’s temperature increase is basically established. Unless there is a huge conversion from energy “business as usual” use of hydrocarbon energy (coal, oil, natural gas), Earth’s infrastructure carbon budget lock-in occurs around 2017 CE, atmospheric carbon level 450 ppm is exceeded, +2 oC limit is exceed around 2030-2040 CE, sometime 2050-2099 CE Earth’s average temperature increase exceeds +5 oC, and the resulting end of all human life.  

All those who are not yet born, and those who are now children and young adults under the age of 30-years, shall die 2050-2099 CE, ending the 160 thousand year journey of mankind.  

Global Warming - This Lifespan

Earth’s human survival is as a spaceship flying through space. Spaceship Earth life support system is a closed system with finite capacity to sustain a finite amount of human life over a finite lifespan, within a finite livable temperature range: "We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of air and soil" -Adlai Stevenson (D), U.N. Ambassador, 1965

In the 1960s, Spaceship Earth was a concern to many. Then the U.S. political leadership decided to shutdown clean nuclear energy. Instead of using clean nuclear energy to expand the U.S. economy, 1970s-2010s leaders stopped nuclear energy expansion in order to continue expanding U.S. coal and oil economies. Since the 1973 Arab (OPEC) oil embargo‎, U.S. oil importation became a U.S. diplomatic foreign exchange tool. (On October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.) On January 18, 2012, President Obama rejected Keystone XL oil application to limit domestic oil supply and keep OPEC oil imports at agreement levels (imports are around 20% of U.S. oil consumed). Much of the Middle East depends upon U.S. importing oil.    

The global population grew and gross domestic product (GDP) grew, thus grew the demand for more energy, more coal, oil, natural gas, resulting in more human and natural global warming greenhouse gas emissions. There is now no end in sight for Earth’s temperature increase. Scientists suggest that left unchecked, too soon Modern Global Warming accumulated warming forces will exceed natural carbon dioxide and methane heating effects produced by the 252.28 Ma Siberian Traps volcanic eruptions that resulted in End-Permian Mass Extinction.      

The following below article discusses the 2007 CE release UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I Report. UN IPCC has produced much valuable information, but the body of work has been politically corrupted to deflect increased concern about global warming temperature increase. For more than two decades politicians have covertly obfuscated and negated UN IPCC’s global warming reporting. Under the Obama administration many U.S. government departments, agencies, colleges, and universities under report and misreport global warming and energy. Covert obfuscation of global warming is done by many nations and by much of the biased news media. Much of the public body of global warming knowledge has been politically corrupted, leaving the whole global warming knowledge base and media reporting as unreliable.       

UN IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, “Climate Change 2007 (AR4)” is made up of four sections: Working Group I Report - "The Physical Science Basis," Working Group II Report - "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability," Working Group III Report - "Mitigation of Climate Change," and summary “The AR4 Synthesis Report.” Parts of IPCC AR are significantly corrupted leaving the whole document unreliable.

On 02 February, 2007, the UN IPCC Working Group I Report, an international group of scientists charged with reviewing the evidence on global climate change, issued "Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis," a summary for policymakers. It was written as part I of the IV parts of the IPCC panel's Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Working Group I summary describes progress in understanding the human and natural drivers of global warming (aka, climate change). The following Working Group I 2007 CE statement was released:

"The new report powerfully underscores the need for a massive effort to slow the pace of global climatic disruption before intolerable consequences become inevitable. The report is far clearer and less equivocal in its description of how Earth's climate is changing—and in attributing the bulk of these changes to human activities—than the last IPCC report in 2001. That was to be expected, because since 2001 there has been a torrent of new scientific evidence on the magnitude, human origins, and growing impacts of the climatic changes that are underway. In overwhelming proportions, this evidence has been in the direction of showing faster change, more danger, and greater confidence about the dominant role of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel burning and tropical deforestation in causing the changes that are being observed.”  

Unfortunately, most people only look at UN IPCC "The AR4 Synthesis Report." By political design, the Synthesis Report downplays and subdivides the intensity of the global warming problem.  

The 2007 CE IPCC Working Group I Report within below article does contain valuable information and has been fairly critiqued:

Global Warming Shock Wave Awakens World Leaders

WASHINGTON, DC, February 2, 2007 (ENS) - This morning in Paris, hundreds of scientists from around the world released a report showing that global warming is accelerating, that human activity is responsible for this warming, and that it is likely irreversible for centuries, even if greenhouse gas emissions are stabilized.

The report, entitled "The Physical Science Basis: a Summary for Policymakers," (Working Group I Report) was adopted in a line-by line review by the governments of 113 countries, including the United States.

The new Working Group I Report report says that warming during the last 100 years was 0.74 oC (1.3 oF), with most of the warming occurring during the past 50 years. The warming for “business as usual” energy use over the next 20 years is projected to increase 0.4 oC (0.6 oF) for a total preindustrial temperature increase of about 1.2 oC (1.9 oF) by 2027 CE. Global warming greenhouse gas atmospheric concentrations continue to rise.   

   [NOTE: Over the years more than a hundred nations have agreed not to exceed the +2 oC limit, which shall be exceeded 2030-2040 CE. Also, Earth atmosphere exceeds the carbon 450 ppm limit in 2030-2040 CE. Arctic Region methane hydrate (aka, clathrate) gas is increasing its methane vent. Energy infrastructure carbon budget lock-in is exceeded 2017 CE (which is a pivotal point). The last point at which to stop global warming temperature increase is by peaking human production of carbon dioxide at 2017 CE and reducing carbon dioxide levels. --DGE]  

Mid-range climate change scenarios predict severe droughts and floods, more intense hurricanes and cyclones, pressure on fresh water and food supplies, increased spread of diseases, and rising sea levels that could displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide and affect the growing world population of billions of people.

Reaction to the 2007 IPCC AR4 report, the first report in six years from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has ranged across the spectrum.

Dr. Sharon Hays, leader of the U.S. delegation at the Paris meeting and chief science official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, said the IPCC report "reflects the size able and robust body of knowledge regarding the physical science of climate change, including the finding that the Earth is warming and that human activities have very likely caused most of the warming of the last 50 years."

U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said the United States embraces the findings of the IPCC report. "We agree with it, and the science behind it is something that our country has played a very important role in," he told journalists today in Washington.

The Bush administration continues to rely on technology to counter global warming rather than the limits on emissions adopted by other industrialized nations under the Kyoto Protocol. Reportedly, the United States has invested nearly $29 billion since 2001 in climate-related science and technology programs.

"We estimate that the U.S. has invested more in climate change science than the rest of the world combined," Bodman said.

In Congress, Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee Jeff Bingaman, a New Mexico Democrat said, "This U.N. report is only the latest in a series of signals that increase the urgency of our efforts to deal with global warming," Bingaman said. "Today I am again urging the President to show leadership and work with Congress to implement a mandatory, market-based cap and trade program to address this challenge." "The consequences so clearly spelled out in this report, and many others, compel us to act now," he said.

Responsible environmental groups generally welcomed the IPCC's information in hopes that it may prompt swift action to limit global warming.

"The good news is that the political climate in Washington is changing as well." "Congress needs to enact comprehensive emission limits that will steadily reduce global warming pollution. We have an opportunity to fix this problem, but only if we act before it’s too late."

On Tuesday, 44 Greenpeace activists scaled the Eiffel Tower in Paris to hang banners proclaiming, "It's Not Too Late."

"The more we know, the worse it is," said Greenpeace climate campaigner Stephanie Tunmoore. "We're in Paris to urge the governments of the world to act, while there's still time. To date, the world's governments have done far too little to face up to the reality of climate change and to combat it."

Conservative U.S. think tanks brought out an arsenal of arguments to counter the IPCC findings. The Center for Science and Public Policy produced a report claiming that greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster in European countries which are bound by the Kyoto Protocol than in the United States, which has rejected the international treaty in 25 June 1997 with the US Senate passage of the Byrd-Hagel Resolution (the vote was 95-0).

   [NOTE: The Kyoto Protocol WAS REJECTED by the U.S. Senate on 25 June 1997, with the US Senate passage of the Byrd-Hagel Resolution (the vote was 95-0). However, President Clinton did sign the agreement as a symbolic gesture. In 2012, the U.S. Senate continues to oppose the UN Kyoto Protocol energy commitments. U.S. Senators also oppose and do not respond to the accurate parts of UN IPCC scientific reporting. The U.S. House members say nothing about everything unless you are in the correct 9 digit zip code.
   In the 1990s, the UN effort to curb global warming temperature increase was covertly hijacked by political special interests intent upon keeping up investments in global hydrocarbon economies. On the surface the Kyoto Protocol and IPCC reporting appears helpful, but in reality much of the UN reporting and all of the high-level UN “negotiations” are counter productive to reducing global warming greenhouse gases or reducing global temperature increase; as witnessed by the 20-years and 17 rounds of UNFCCC "climate change" negotiations that has produced no global warming reductions.
   The 1990s U.S. political machinery (and others) intentionally undermined the process of saving human races from complete destruction at 2050-2099 CE. While politicians and special interests have been undermining real global warming responses; the covert political leadership was staging huge criminal profits capers with paper trading carbon-cap-and-trade scams and the construction of under productive/limited output renewable green energy. Of great investigative U.S. interests is the political federal and state funded alternative renewable green energy funding game. --DGE]        

National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett said the new IPCC "shows less expected warming and lower estimated sea level rise than previous reports."

"We can expect this news to be lost among dramatic claims of impending disaster by politicians and environmental lobbyists alike," said the conservative, whose main point is that the United States must not join the Kyoto Protocol.

"You'd never know it from watching the news, but every time the IPCC releases a new report, future warming is reduced and the impacts are less severe and more distant," Burnett said.

But at the Center for Global Development in Washington, which works to reduce global poverty and inequality, senior fellow David Wheeler warned that a recent World Bank study of sea level rise to which he contributed, found that "even a one meter rise will force 60 million people to relocate."
"We confront a stark reality here," Wheeler said. "Millions of poor people will be displaced by sea-level rise that has been caused by the affluent West. When this happens, current international turbulence may seem placid by comparison."

Corporate Reaction

The DuPont corporation, one of the 10 companies in the newly formed U.S. Climate Action Partnership, called again today on the federal government to enact climate change legislation to create a national cap on carbon dioxide emissions and a market in carbon credits.

DuPont Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer Linda Fisher said, "Climate change is a serious global issue that must be addressed through concerted global action. We believe that the science on climate change is sufficiently strong and the risks serious enough to merit a timely action."

"We believe that voluntary measures, while constructive, are not sufficient to address an issue of this magnitude by themselves," Fisher said. "The challenge is global and requires broad and coordinated action across all sectors of the economy."

Politicians saw economic and political opportunity in the need to combat climate change. They are closely associated with company manufactures materials for photovoltaic solar panels and fuel cells and a new breathable roofing membrane that creates an energy saving seal around a home.

   [NOTE: Multinational Playground for Political and Special Interest Corruption - Carbon trading markets across the world were valued at 96 billion euros (US$122.63 billion) in 2011, up 4 percent on 2010. The carbon markets’ shuffle of carbon credits. Major multinational carbon market funds appear to be sourced from U.S. federal funding. Although the carbon markets are huge, none of the carbon trading has resulted in any REDUCTION of global warming temperature increase. Left progressive Democrats “stimulated” the U.S. economy with an expensive ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’ (ARRA 2009) that included over $90 billion in unproductive “climate change” alternative renewable energy green investments. Yucca Mountain project is necessary for the U.S. clean nuclear fuel cycle. Although construction is competed, Yucca Mountain was stopped by the U.S. Senate political machinery of left Democrat neo communists. Nuclear energy is the only energy available that is capable of replacing hydrocarbon energy that might prevent carbon budget infrastructure lock-in. --DGE]

The world's largest and most profitable petroleum giant, acknowledged today, "Many global ecosystems, especially the polar areas, are showing signs of warming. CO2 [carbon dioxide] emissions have increased during this same time period - and emissions from fossil fuels and land use changes are one source of these emissions." "Because the risks to society and ecosystems could prove to be significant, it is prudent now to develop and implement strategies that address the risks, keeping in mind the central importance of energy to the economies of the world."

The company said it is working to curb global warming through "partnerships with auto and engine makers on programs that could significantly reduce vehicle emissions, conducting internal research on potential for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles, investing in energy efficiency in our facilities, and working with organizations such as the European Union and Stanford University on groundbreaking research to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

International Reaction

Newly appointed UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said today that climate change will be one of his "top priorities" over the next five years of his term.

"The report highlights the scientific consensus regarding the quickening and threatening pace of human-induced climate change," said Ban. "The global response therefore needs to move much more rapidly as well, and with more determination."

"Protecting the global environment is largely beyond the capacity of individual countries," Ban said in a video message to the Conference for Global Ecological Governance in Paris. "The natural arena for such action is the United Nations."

Ban said the world is witnessing an "assault on the global environment" that risks undermining the many advances human society has made in recent decades. "It is undercutting our fight against poverty. It could even come to jeopardize international peace and security," he said.
Last month, Ban called for a special summit of heads of state to address global warming.

"We need clear objectives and strong ecological governance at the global level, a concept that continues to elude us," UN General Assembly President Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa told conference delegates.

She asserted that the General Assembly is the best forum for the international community to work to combat climate change.

European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas called for "an urgent start to international negotiations on a comprehensive new global climate change agreement."

"I am deeply concerned at the accelerating pace and the increasing extent of climate change," Commissioner Dimas said.

"To stabilize global emissions of greenhouse gases," he said, "the next step must be for developed countries to cut their emissions to 30 percent below 1990 [greenhouse gas] levels by 2020, as the Commission proposed last month."

   [NOTE: To reverse global warming there needs to be a implemented a greenhouse gas reduction plan. No nation has a global warming plan, much less an effective plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Powerful politicians such as President Obama and within the U.S. Senate have opposed global warming planning necessary to save human races from sure mass suicide 2050-2099 CE. -DGE]   

"We are on the historic threshold of the irreversible," warned French President Jacques Chirac, who convened a meeting today to plan for a new international body to protect the global climate.

"In the face of this urgency, it is no longer the time for half-measures. It is time for a revolution," Chirac said as he opened the conference.

"While climate changes run like a rabbit, world-wide politics move like a snail: either we accelerate or we risk a disaster," said Italy's environment minister, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio.

The Italian minister called for urgent action to impose a global tax on carbon emissions and create a United Nations organization to deal with climate change.

Canadian Environment Minister John Baird said today that the government accepts the IPCC's findings, and he called on Canadians "to get ready for some tough decisions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions."

Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's new minister of environment and water resources, said the science in the IPCC report "is important, but it's not new."

“We know our Australian climate is volatile we have always been the land of droughts and flooding rains. But while it isn’t possible to say that any particular drought, or flood, is caused by global warming, the overall warming trend means that we must assume that, at least in Southern Australia, we will be living in drier and hotter times," said Turnbull. South Africa's Environmental Affairs Minister Arthinus van Schalkwyk said failure to act would be "indefensible."

In particular, van Schalkwyk said in a statement, "the new IPCC report is a wake-up call to the world’s largest emitter, the United States.”

"We applaud the unilateral climate actions taken by the State of California and others and strongly encourage the federal government of the USA to hear the growing groundswell of opinion in that country, and act on their moral obligation to join the global effort under the Kyoto Protocol and future negotiations to combat climate change," he said.

   [NOTE: After the 2005 promotion-start of wind, solar energy, and ethanol to feed cars, in 2006, the California left Democrat Legislature passed AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act (2006). The act later became President Obama’s model for federal global warming law, to be imposed by the left Democrats’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). California AB 32 promoted alternative renewable green energy and carbon-cap-and-trade, both of which over the years have proven to be sources of great U.S. and global corruption by politicians and special interests. -DGE]

Indonesian Environment Minister says that his country could lose about 2,000 islands by 2030 due to climate change. Ocean water level rising "is very, very serious," reporters were told Monday at a press conference attended by Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Witoelar said the science presented by the IPCC shows that sea levels are expected to rise about 89 centimeters (35 inches) by 2030, which means that about 2,000 mostly uninhabited islands would be inundated.

Today, de Boer called for "speedy and decisive international action" to combat global warming.

"The findings, which governments have agreed upon, leave no doubt as to the dangers mankind is facing and must be acted upon without delay," said de Boer. "Any notion that we do not know enough to move decisively against climate change has been clearly dispelled."


Global Warming Future

The global warming path is clear - Thanks to the abysmal and unforgivable failure of the world’s leadership, 20-years and 17 rounds of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) "climate change" negotiations have failed to give full effect and deliver a fair, ambitious, and binding GLOBAL WARMING deal for maintaining climate at a livable level. The fate of humanity is in the hands of political machines and Earth’s unyielding geophysical balance.   

If greenhouse gas emissions do not plateau by 2020 and rapidly decline thereafter a sequence of global temperature increase occurs:

 +2.0°C: Unless natural and human greenhouse gases peak by 2020 CE, in 2030-2040 CE Earth global warming temperature increase shall exceed +2.0°C limit above preindustrial average temperature. Atmospheric carbon dioxide content exceeds 450 ppm.  
 Groundwater - There has been very little research on the impact of global warming on groundwater, including the question of how climate change will affect the relationship between surface waters and aquifers that are hydraulically connected. Postulated is wipe out of agriculture and cattle ranching occurs as sand dunes and dust bowls appear across five US states, from Texas in the south to Montana in the north. Major to massive dust storms sweep the U.S. Midwest. Saltwater inundation of coastal groundwater stores will expand. Groundwater pollution such as saltwater encroachment associated with over drafting of aquifers or natural leaching from natural occurring deposits are natural sources of pollution.
  Rising sea levels - Rising sea levels accelerate as the Greenland ice sheet tips into irreversible melt, submerging atoll nations and low-lying deltas. In Peru, disappearing Andean glaciers mean 10 million people face water shortages. Warming seas wipe out the Great Barrier Reef and make coral reefs virtually extinct throughout the tropics. Worldwide, a third of all species on the planet face extinction. In the 20th century, sea level rise has been accelerating and over the last decades.    Warming Weather - Temperature, humidity, altitude, ocean currents, and pressure differences fuels the mid-latitude storms affect Earth’s most populated regions. At mid latitudes, conditions are hot and humid. At the poles the air is cold and dry; with a little extra heat, water vapor, and Arctic Regional methane clathrate breakdown creates a great temperature raise. Remedial global warming action has become ineffectual to prevent catastrophic temperature increase.
Rain forest turns to desert - The Amazonian rain forest burns in a firestorm of catastrophic ferocity, covering South America with ash and smoke. Once the smoke clears, the interior of Brazil has become desert, and huge amounts of extra carbon have entered the atmosphere, further boosting global warming. The entire Arctic ice cap disappears in the summer months, leaving the North Pole ice-free for the first time in 3 million years. Water supplies run short in California as the Sierra Nevada snow pack melts away. Tens of millions displaced as the Kalahari Desert expands across southern Africa.
 +4.0°C to +4.4°C: Post 2050-2055 CE, scientists warn only one-tenth of the world’s people might survive to 2099 CE. Students now enrolled in schools and universities face this future.
  WATER - Rapidly rising temperatures in the Arctic Region (like Siberia) sea and land permafrost in the melt zone, releasing vast quantities of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) producing a temperature rise. Melting ice caps and sea level rises have displace more than 100 million people, particularly in Bangladesh, the Nile Delta, and Shanghai. Heat waves and drought make much of the sub-tropics uninhabitable: large-scale migration even takes place within Europe, where deserts are growing in southern Spain, Italy, and Greece. More than half of wild species wiped out, in the worst mass extinction since the end of the dinosaurs. Agriculture collapses in Australia.     Decreasing water availability and increasing drought in mid-latitudes and semi-arid low latitudes. Groundwater is increasingly over drafted and surface water is in critical short supply in some locations.
 ECOSYSTEMS – There are major extinctions around the globe. Coral mortality is spreading due to ocean acidification and surface/mid-depth ocean warming. Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net carbon source, as ~40% of ecosystems affected.  
 FOOD - All production of cereals decrease. There is increased ocean acidification, increased water hypoxia, and a devastating decreases in fish biomass. Food chain disruptions occur.
 COAST – There is increased damage from floods and storms, with about 30% loss of coastal wetlands. Additional 2 to 15 million people are at risk of coastal flooding each year. There is increased loss of groundwater storage capacity from saltwater inundation into coastal aquifers. “500-year floods” and storm surges occur once every 25 to 240 years while "100-year" flood/storm surge events occur every 3-20 years.  
 HEALTH – There are increased health burdens from malnutrition, diarrhoeal, cardio-respiratory, and infectious diseases with increased morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods, and droughts.  Substantial increased burden on health services.
 ECONOMIC INVESTMENTS - Investment in the world economy is like being a frog in a pot of slowly heated water. The point at which the frog dies is understood. The question is how much will the the investment advisers and media keep turning up the heat under uninformed investors.
 SOCIAL STABILITY – Society’s social structure will increasingly breakdown as life support systems break down under the demands of increased population, increased climate change, increased regional temperatures, decreased food supplies, and increased life support distribution issues.  
 SINGLE EVENTS - Long-term commitment to several meters of sea-level rise due to ice sheet loss, leading to reconfiguration of coastlines worldwide and inundation of low-lying areas. It is to be noted that the (<10%) likelihood in the 21st century Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) shutdown may still be significant given the high consequences of an abrupt shutdown. MOC shutdown includes adverse effects on food production and terrestrial vegetation, changes in fisheries and effects on oceanic carbon dioxide uptake and oceanic oxygen concentrations, an increased warming of southern hemisphere high latitudes and tropical drying.  Weather change patterns are also associated with MOC and Thermohaline Circulation (THC) activity.
 +5.4°C: This global temperature increase is reached prior to 2099 1.1-meter (3.6 feet) rise of sea level by 2099. Only a very small fraction of the 9-10 billion could continue to exist at the Polar Regions.     
 +6.0°C: Long-term effects on global warming “climate change” are largely "irreversible" for more than millions of years. Anthropogenic and natural global warming greenhouse gas concentrations previously exceeded critical temperature stabilization “trip points.” Human races have been extinguished. After this point no one is around to care about what happens next.  

U.S. Global Warming Politics

In 1988, James Hansen, director of NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, testified before the U.S. Senate that, based on computer models and temperature measurements, he was “99 percent” certain “...the [human-caused] greenhouse effect has been detected and it is changing our climate now.” His statement was widely covered by the media and first brought the term “global warming” to the general public attention. Typical of Senate politicians they ignored the scientific warning and there were no political responses to global warming temperature increase. The only response the U.S. Senate provided was to undermine global efforts to respond respond to the peril that global warming poses. Disruptive and skilled gangs were and still are organized to discredit global warming reality.    

ON February 2007, South Africa's Environmental Affairs said failure to act upon global warming would be "indefensible." Global warming failure to act was not only indefensible, failure to act by political machinery leadership has created a situation that is criminal in intent to destroy human civilization in order to receive profits from multinational government supported “carbon cap and trade” and alternative renewable green energy. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks:

"For most of the last century, economic growth was fuelled by what seemed to be a certain truth: the abundance of natural resources.  We mined our way to growth.  We burned our way to prosperity.  We believed in consumption without consequences. Those days are gone.  In the twenty-first century, supplies are running short and the global thermostat is running high.  Climate change is also showing us that the old model is more than obsolete.  It has rendered it extremely dangerous.  Over time, that model is a recipe for national disaster.  It is a global suicide pact. ..."  World Economic Forum session on redefining sustainable development, in Switzerland, 28 January 2011.

In the 1960s-2010s, global warming was known to be a growing problem caused by massive use of hydrocarbon energies (coal, oil, natural gas) expelling global warming gases since 1750 CE. Self serving politicians ignored the global warming scientific advice and set a course to keep the U.S. dependent upon a hydrocarbon economy.

There are only two sources of clean energy that might curb enough global warming to save the human races: nuclear reactor energy and hydroelectric energy.  

In the U.S., suitable hydroelectric sites either contain constructed dams or the politicians gave up public water rights to expand 1970s commercial development and to prevent water and electrical use with dam-construction. Water dam construction continues to be opposed by environmentalist and lawyers. That dam opposition gave the politicians their excuses to restrict surface water development, sell the land and water rights for district growth, development, and profits.  

Since the 1970s, to encourage expansion of the existing global domestic hydrocarbon economies of coal, oil, and natural gas. U.S. nuclear reactor energy has been opposed by politicians. Not only did the untoward politicians oppose nuclear expansion, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) stopped issuing new licences for nuclear facilities since 1978 CE. As politicians, lawyers and political parrots, NRC members for the last 30-years has been decommissioning nuclear reactors.   

In the 1990s special political interest took over UN responses to global warming, which resulted in 20-years and 17 UN “climate change” meetings during which nothing was accomplished that had anything to due with global warming. Than in 2005 CE, the left Democrats activated left progressive political “grassroots” support of alternatives to energy and continued to close down U.S. nuclear energy. In December 2009 CE, at Denmark UN COP-15 meeting, President Obama promoted a transfer of wealth scheme that has derailed global responses to global warming. European-U.S. neo communist 2011 CE shutdown of Germany nuclear energy with a “Atomics Law.” In the place of nuclear energy the German-U.S. politicians promoted dependence upon alternatives to energy. However, in fact, U.S. and Germany politicians expanded dependence upon the economy of coal, oil, natural gas.

Alternatives to energy was just a political front for USD $100s of billions shift to domestic and international political corruption. Stopping global warming temperature increase involves many trillions of dollars over many years and many elections. With corruption “adapting” to global warming temperature increase, political corruption within the global warming industry is going to remain an expensive political fixture for a long time.

In 2009, to add to preventing further global/U.S. nuclear development, President Obama’s political machinery took over the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) membership and also shut down the completed Yucca Mountain geologic nuclear repository. In effect, the U.S. neo communist left Democrats (with help from some congressional Republicans) have politically nationalized U.S. energy and stopped the global effort to reduce global warming temperature increase.

With many political claims of “safety,” resulting from the 1970s politics, nuclear plant construction costs skyrocketed from a reactor estimated at $660 million to $8.87 billion. The congressional political machinery approach to eliminating U.S. nuclear energy is to make nuclear facilities so expensive for “safety” reasons that nuclear energy cannot compete in the energy market with cheaper coal, oil, and natural gas. Over the decades to eliminate nuclear energy as a energy competitor, as costs for hydrocarbon energy increase, the NRC members imposed more costly and unnecessary nuclear “safety” requirements. Therefor, there was never a timely global switch to nuclear energy that is necessary to save human races from 2050-2099 CE destruction.     

Phasing out nuclear energy was typical of U.S. politics after the 1979 CE Three Mile Island accident. Since 1979, NRC members have been building a political government nuclear energy energy “regulated monopoly” by denying nuclear construction with NRC members’ unwarranted and costly “safety” demands. For more than 30-years, the NRC members job was to decommission nuclear energy sights for high level politicians.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the last reactor built was the "River Bend" plant in Louisiana. Its construction began in March of 1977 CE. The last plant to begin commercial operation is the "Watts Bar" plant in Tennessee, which came online in 1996 CE. Although new nuclear reactors have been built in this country within the last three decades the NRC members have not issued a license to build a new reactor since 1978 CE. The reactors that have opened in the last decades were approved prior to 1978 CE. There are currently 104 operating nuclear reactors at 64 plants across the country. Half of the nuclear reactors are over 30-years old. February 09, 2012, NRC members have issued the COL license to Plant Vogtle in Georgia, which is a too little, too late, and too much of a political act on the part of the NRC member politicians and lawyers and President Obama.

As a share of total U.S. energy: Total U.S. energy: nuclear electric is 8%, conventional hydroelectric power 2.7%, coal 23%, natural gas 23%, and petroleum 40%. Nuclear energy produces about 20% of U.S. electrical energy. The core global warming task is to reduce global energy share of coal, natural gas, and petroleum, to be replaced with hydrocarbon free nuclear and hydroelectric energy.   

Neither President Obama nor the Republican candidates or the U.S. Congress have established a viable national or multinational response plan to counter global warming temperature increase. A response plan for global warming would take about ten-years to develop. Earth does not have ten-years, it only has five years till 2017 CE to stop building hydrocarbon-energy infrastructure.   

Global hydrocarbon infrastructure lock-in occurs around 2017 CE, and it takes about 3-4 years to build a large nuclear facility. How is the U.S. going to produce enough clean nuclear energy soon enough to cap and reduce carbon emissions so that human races are saved from total destruction 2050-2099 CE?  

The start of any Republican or Democrat global warming recovery plan is to expand U.S. nuclear energy. To properly expand U.S. nuclear energy it is necessary to replace the politics of the NRC members with an experienced panel of three military nuclear officers and one presidential appointee. To meet Earth’s 2017 CE carbon budget infrastructure criteria it is required to quickly expand U.S. and global nuclear capacity. To quickly expand U.S. nuclear capacity it is necessary that the existing NRC memberships be replaced with leaders who are experienced with organization skills, military nuclear design, construction, and operation. Not doing so results in the destruction of 9 billion people.

Global warming is a political and economic force involving global trillions to dollars of energy change. Who will win the coming elections based upon their global warming solutions? Political greed and corruption is too large to be effectively opposed--political corruption has sucked the life out of this world. The lives of more than 9 billion people in 2050-2099 CE are of little concern to the current anti-response political machines and special interest forces.

The first step to problem resolution is recognition of the problem. Enough world leaders have yet to acknowledge global warming as a problem.

The first applied step to global warming success is a new NRC membership makeup of three senior military nuclear representatives and one President appointed representative. Shifting to a military nuclear structure for expanding commercial nuclear reactors will provide much needed professional U.S. clean energy direction. Nuclear energy is the only energy source that might produce enough clean energy to prevent human races destruction.

Unless there is change, all those who are not yet born, and those who are now children and young adults under the age of 30-years, shall die 2050-2099 CE, ending the 160 thousand year journey of mankind.