Sunday, January 08, 2012

Global Warming Informed Analysis and Recommendations

Pub 08 Jan 2012

Resulting from continuation of 1990s U.S. politics, there has been enabled huge avenues of political corruption and manipulative political power of the trillions of dollars multinational hydrocarbon energy sector. Covert politics of continuing national economies of coal, oil, and natural gas have displaced early-1990s desire to save human races from global warming temperature increase destruction.     

Without extensive political changes, the one hundred and sixty thousand year “Journey of Modern Man” most certainly ends with ‘Global Warming 2050-2099 CE’ temperature increase.

Historical Extreme Global Warming - Within the End-Permian Mass Extinction Period, natural volcanic gases and natural ocean methane clathrates and carbon dioxide and sulphur resulting release from extensive 252.28 Ma Siberian Traps volcanic eruptions dominated temperature change rates. Methane releases from massive ocean and sea methane clathrate deposits (along with volcanic sulphur interaction) was the important Earth temperature regulator.     

Modern Extreme Global Warming - Within Modern Global Warming Period, it is human hydrocarbon economy energy use (coal, oil, natural gas) and responding natural ocean methane releases from massive deposits of methane clathrates and carbon dioxide release that dominate Earth temperature change-rate. However, volcanic sulphur interactions with methane are not extensively present. The Modern Global Warming Period temperature increase rate-of-change is about ten times faster than occurred End-Permian Mass Extinction Period.  Additionally, the continued existence of more than 9 billion people depends upon the rate-of-change of global warming temperature increase. If historically established temperature regulation thresholds are significantly exceeded, Earth temperature increase will be rapid and extreme, well beyond the ability of human races survival 2050-2099 CE.  

With left Democrats’ control of Washington DC political machinery the number of media articles critical of global warming (aka, climate change) has become almost non-existent 2008 CE to present. Too few of the public now know the depth of the global warming problem.    

“Climate change poses our greatest threat”

January 7, 2012
Cumberland Times-News, Western Maryland

— The recent letter by Richard Haddad questioning global climate change (“It’s time to rethink causes of global warming,” Jan. 4 Times-News) needs to be rebutted for one simple reason — global climate change poses the greatest threat this country (and by extension the world) has ever faced.

This not a political opinion. It’s the considered opinion of no less than the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA).

In dealing with the facts of global climate change, we should do just that — deal with the scientifically verifiable facts, not politically colored opinions.

Haddad brings up natural warming and cooling cycles as reason for skepticism about human-induced climate change.

When that idea was advanced by skeptics a few years ago, research into the differences between long-term geologic trends and the current unprecedented spike in temperature caused by increased CO2 in the atmosphere quickly buried that possibility.

Haddad also suggests this could be a conspiracy by environmental extremists to get research funding. But if one looks closely at the money involved in the environmental debate, one quickly finds that oil, gas, and coal have poured tens of millions of dollars into lobbying efforts to create a public and Congress with just the opinions in Haddad’s letter. The greed of a few trumps facts and the future.

As for Haddad’s reference to “Climategate” in England, the British mounted an expensive and independent commission to investigate the allegations that data were manipulated. The commission found no attempt by researchers to manipulate data.

Regarding the 1995 report of the UN’s IPCC, why refer to such a dated document?

The 2007 IPCC report, based on the work of thousands of scientists states, “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal … . Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (human produced) greenhouse gas concentrations.” The U.S. increased CO2 output by 6 percent last year.

Suggesting that we simply “deal with the consequences” of climate change because it’s cheaper, as Mr. Haddad suggests, seems incredibly short-sighted. And it won’t be cheaper.

As economist Sir. Nicholas Stern points out, climate change will affect access to water, food production, health, and the environment.

To quote the Stern report: “…if we don’t act, the overall costs and risks of climate change will be equivalent to losing at least 5 percent of global GDP each year, now and forever, (though) estimates of damage could rise to 20 percent of GDP or more … . The costs of action—reducing greenhouse gas emissions … can be limited to 1 percent of global GDP each year.”

Dr. Richard Muller has been a long-time climate change skeptic. Funded in part by the conservative Koch brothers (in a bit of wonderful irony), Muller recently took a long, hard look at the data for climate change, and that data changed his opinion. Last year, he told Congress that climate change is very real.

Dr. Robert Lovelock, distinguished senior British scientist, says that if the current climate change continues, it could wipe out the human species, or, at best, permit only a few hundred million to exist in the most northern latitudes.

Given that scientific data tells us that climate change is real, that it already costs us massive amounts in money and people’s lives, and that to do nothing is likely a sort of mass suicide, shouldn’t we act? It would take an effort on par with what we did in WWII, but we could do it.

Will we act in time? I suspect we’ll end up doing just what the Easter Islanders did, instead of learning that most valuable of all lessons from them when it comes to sustaining life.

Craig Etchison, Fort Ashby, W.Va.


Department of Defense, Office of Net Assessment (ONA) - The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the DoD Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment matters. Its purpose is to identify problems and opportunities that deserve the attention of senior defense officials. The Director develops and coordinates net assessments of the standing, trends, and future prospects of U.S. military capabilities and military potential in comparison with those of other countries or groups of countries so as to identify emerging or future threats or opportunities for the United States.  

Neither the U.S. Department of Defense nor U.S. intelligence agencies have made an independent effort to assess the planet's global warming temperature increase, and U.S. security officials have generally tried to distance themselves from any debate over the validity of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data.  It is only by timely implementation of informed effective global warming temperature increase responses that human races may be saved form 2050-2099 CE destruction.  

The alternative to now stopping global warming temperature increase is the unacceptable total destruction of human races. Global warming trends and responses require timely U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. intelligence officials informed analysis and recommendations, to which the U.S. Congress should respond.