Monday, August 22, 2011

Global Warming 2050-2099 Is Now Created

By David G. Eselius

No nation leader has attempted to establish a viable national response plan to counter global warming temperature increase. The Euro-U.S. anti nuclear socialist political movement maintains their national energy commitments based upon past geopolitical assumptions and not upon current or future energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) requirements.

German and U.S. political leadership are among the world leaders determined to bend global warming temperature increase to meet immediate political needs. Disregarded by world leaders is the fact that remaining dependant upon carbon economies increases predicted global warming risks.    

World leaders and politicians are deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to acknowledging the hazards and costs of global warming. It is up to the business community and news media to forcefully inform politicians that it is the politicians’ responsibility to save human races.

GDP and Population Size Drive Energy Consumption - Energy consumption is driven by population size and gross domestic product (GDP) size.

Global populations and global GDPs are increasing; which increases greenhouse gases (GHGs), resulting in increased global temperature increase. The energy used increases global warming CO2 emissions that are life threatening to the human races.  Solution to global warming is implementing effective planning, and decreasing natural and human (anthropomorphic) GHGs.

Understand the need to use nuclear power - The only reason to shift from carbon economies to carbon free economies is the need to reduce global warming GHGs.  

Diverting resources to “renewable” energy has only resulted in increased GHGs.  Because more than three decades ago the use of nuclear power was politically blocked, the destiny of the human race 2050-2099 termination remains unchanged.

Global energy objectives now are not seeking “balanced energy use.”  The need now is rapidly expanding huge quantities of carbon free nuclear energy to reduce natural and human GHGs, which is the reason to increase the use of nuclear energy.    

German politicians disbanding their nuclear industry are both needlessly costly and significantly increase the life treating human and natural GHGs.   
UPDATE 1-“German ministries against nuclear power reserve”
Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:54pm GMT
(Context, details)
FRANKFURT Aug 22 (Reuters) - Two German state ministries spoke out on Monday against a proposal to keep some of Germany's nuclear power capacity on stand-by for reserve to balance power grids in the aftermath of Japan's Fukushima disaster.
The environment minister of Hesse state, which houses RWE's Biblis B reactor, one of the candidates put forward, said it would not support the 34-year-old 1,300 megawatt (MW) plant.
"We don't want Biblis B as cold reserve," Minister Lucia Puttrich said in a statement.
She added that Germany's speedier than planned exit from nuclear power for safety reasons could not be reconciled with the idea of reactivating that same capacity previously deemed too old to be safe.
The energy regulatory authority, Bundesnetzagentur, which monitors power network stability, is due to decide soon what type of reserve power capacity it wants to compensate German grids for the sudden loss of some 8,800 MW of nuclear power.
The Berlin government enforced the shutdown after it became clear that political majorities favored a decisive move against nuclear power at home, after witnessing the Japan crisis.
Biblis B had been mentioned in that context and also E.ON's 912 MW Isar 1 reactor as their geographic position is in sensitive regions with power-guzzling heavy industries affected by nuclear shutdowns in their vicinity. This came as the regulator scouted around for possibilities and the energy industry was ready to discuss options.
Baden Wuerttemberg state's environment ministry, which supervises utility EnBW's reactors, said in a statement it believed nuclear power to be unsuitable as a reserve option because constant closures and restarts did not fit with the technology.
Hesse said should a reserve be necessary at all -- which grid companies have said is the case -- then it could come from other conventional power such as coal and gas.
(Reporting by Tom Kaeckenhoff and Hendrik Sackmann; editing by Jason Neely)

German politicians must again reverse their anti nuclear legislation and start quickly building a carbon free German economy. Up to now, the only thing German politicians have done are increase German carbon emissions.   

Since neither the news media nor the highest levels of global leadership show any viable interest in global warming temperature increase—it is concluded that there is no hope for a timely change to global warming GHGs and the resulting global temperature increase.

Speaking at a joint meeting of U.S. Congress, Chancellor Merkel described climate change as one of the "great tests" of the 21st century. She took pains to compliment lawmakers and the administration for viewing "the protection of our climate to be a very important task," even as she suggested that they move faster. "We all know we have no time to lose," she said. Reference: "German Chancellor Merkel urges U.S. to act on climate change," Washington Post, November 4, 2009

On March 27, 2011, after almost six decades in political power, in the wake of Japan's Fukushima Japan disaster (11 March 2011), after an election that amounted to a Green Party referendum on the Merkel's conservative stance on nuclear power, the Green Party gains resulted in Merkel’s shut down of Germany’s nuclear energy generators. Merkel had made a political deal and passed "Realo" faction legislation.  Within the Green Party, Green Party Realos are known for their “pragmatic” approach to politics, as opposed to the “Fundi” fundamentalist environmentalists. (In the 1980s and 1990s, a conflict arose between the fundis and the realos.)

The Greens, Greenpeace International, liberal media, and other left-groups do not work in the sphere of reality; they are emotional based groups, stimulated by what they believe reality should be. Laws of physics, cosmology, geophysics, geochemistry, cost of energy, etc. mean nothing to the anti nuclear movements. It is their feelings about the “nature” of being that counts. Left-political groups distort science and use science statements to forward the left-political agendas. Left-agendas are mostly socially self-interest-based and are non-reality-based.   

Because of his limited exposure to complexities of energy, greenhouse gases, and costs of energy; to boost his appeal to the multinational anti nuclear socialist-anarchist movement, President Obama took the simplistic route of banning all U.S. nuclear energy and dismantling the Yucca Mountain nuclear geologic repository.  

President Obama’s leadership of the Euro-U.S. left-socialist movement has devastated the U.S. competitive viability of the U.S. nuclear sector and international nuclear trade, which is a U.S. national and global security concern.

It is President Obama and the Euro-U.S. left socialist leadership’s cabal who has limited nuclear clean energy expansion that is necessary to mitigate global warming temperature increase.  Resulting is killing the human races 2050-2099.

The world is run by those who are most manipulative. World leadership will remain Machiavellian to the end, marked by cunning, duplicity, bad faith, and sometimes sheer incompetency.