Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Utility Jobs, Politics, Revamping The NRC, and Global Warming

By David G. Eselius

Since Congress has returned, President Obama is starting to develop a 2011 jobs “stimulus.” By applying a business sense to U.S. government job needs, and global warming needs, Obama and Congress could save the human races from 2050-2099 termination.
"JOHNSON: Obama at a loss"
Applying business sense to government can get U.S. back on track
By Sen. Ron Johnson
The Washington Times Monday
August 29, 2011
- Excerpts -
When stock prices were plunging earlier this month, President Obama strode to the teleprompter and utterly failed to calm the markets or the American people. Sadly, they saw what I saw - and have come to exactly the same conclusion: Mr. Obama does not know what to do. He never did...
We can't repeal the additional $4 trillion that has been added to our nation's debt during his tenure, but we can repeal his agenda - the sooner the better. I can't think of a more effective first step in any "jobs program," and I challenge anyone to come up with a better one. I'm confident the president's umpteenth attempt at a jobs program will be nothing more than a slight variation on already-tried-and-failed themes. Why would we expect anything different or think he has any personal knowledge on how to create jobs?
Few on Mr. Obama's team have ever built a company, manufactured or marketed a product or balanced the company books. They have no clue how to get our economy reignited and no clue how to create an atmosphere in which the private sector can create the jobs we need. To them, the private sector is little more than a cash cow to fund bigger, more expensive government in Washington...
● Energy security: The United States should protect our national security and help ensure price competition by fully utilizing our own natural energy resources.
● Congressional "sunset" committees: Both the House and Senate should have permanent committees whose only focus would be on the elimination of unneeded laws and regulations. More often than not, government has become part of the problem instead of the solution.
I am willing and eager to work with anyone who is serious about addressing the long-term fiscal crisis facing our nation. Hopefully, Mr. Obama will begin to realize the harm his agenda has caused and work with Congress to reverse course quickly.
Sen. Ron Johnson is a Republican from Wisconsin and former chief executive officer of Pacur LLC.

There is a need for state and federal government to provide funding assistance for cost effective maintenance and expansion for national security priority concerns of ● nuclear electrical expansion, ● expansion of potable surface and groundwater reserves, and ● reduction of U.S. human induced greenhouse gas emissions.

Infrastructure can be maintained by politicians implementing standard 20 year infrastructure improvement cycle projects. Many proposed costly infrastructure “improvement” proposal fall by way side when analyzed and cause-and-effect of global warming is better understood by politicians.   

Energy and water national security require attention of long-term expanding nuclear energy and maintaining national long-term water systems.  

U.S. politicians have ended up regulating and subsidizing transportation that does little to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions. Congress has legislated increased global warming and increased environmental damage—as has happened with corn ethanol. Much tax payer and transportation money has been spent for unproductive political reasons.

A global warming greenhouse gas concerns are secondary pipeline supply of natural gas.  Many of these gas pipes thought-out America are “worn out.”  Secondary and third order gas pipes are older than the 50-80 year underground life expectancy of iron/steel pipe.  Many older outdoor secondary underground distribution gas pipes form large and small leaks, which over time vents a great deal of powerful global warming gas methane (CH4) from ground into the atmosphere, which increases the global warming temperature.

A study needs to be made to determine the extent of U.S. methane (natural gas) leaks and resulting impact upon the global warming environment.  A federal/state priority for replacing leaking natural gas pipes needs to be established.

Natural gas piping replacement produce good paying jobs and reduces global warming while a major portion of costs are born by regulated utility companies.

The U.S. economy and infrastructure runs on primary energy: that is, coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric. It is low cost energy and water that has made America great.

For political reasons, over many decades the private political “grassroots” political support organizations have been effective in obstructing critical infrastructure development of nuclear and hydroelectric energy and further development of surface/groundwater storage. Political control over energy and water must change to respond to population increases and global warming temperature increases.

Hydroelectric energy facilities can augments surface water storage and groundwater artificial groundwater recharge systems.  Hydroelectric dam expansion (where sight sitting is suitable) provides increased electrical generation, ground water recharge, and increased water distribution capacity.  In artificial groundwater recharge system’s water is peculated/injected in to aquifers and than distributed to users via aquifer flow. Water dam construction jobs provides good paying long term construction jobs and is mostly funded by regulated utilities.  

Large water distillation/desalination facilities use huge amounts of energy to produce water for potable consumption. There are interesting proposals for using nuclear energy generation heat waste for water supporting distillation/desalination plant operation.

By the laws of physics (second law of thermodynamics - entropy), electrical generation facilities need a source of cooling.  If this electrical generation heat loss to cooling is employed as useful heat, for industrial processes, distillation/desalination, or district heating, the power plant energy efficiency is increased.

New nuclear plant construction and nuclear refit construction needs to consider implementation of power plant co-uses. Nuclear plant construction and refits provides jobs while costs are born by utilities that are mostly regulated.     

Under existing conditions, central U.S., California, and others’ groundwater are being over drafted. As global warming increases and populations increase there is an increased consuming of water through irrigation and urban uses. The hydrologic cycle is not currently replenishing water used in many U.S. regions. Decreasing water reserves is not only a problem within the U.S. it is also a global problem.  Humans simply are not able to create water, which highlights depleting water reserves.     

With increased global warming temperatures and increased global/national populations, regions that lack water will soon be paying $200 per barrel for water and $75 per barrel for oil.  Water supplies, storage, and distribution are in urgent need of attention.  Water is in an unseen national security crisis.

Future U.S. augmentation water and electrical supplies will come from new northern Canada hydroelectric storage dams, distributed via a water pipeline and transmission lines to the central U.S. groundwater storage systems.  Mexico will be without water.

Today, the importance of nuclear power in the U.S. is geopolitical as much as economic and reducing dependency on imported oil and gas. The operational cost of nuclear power – 1.87 ¢/kWh in 2008 – is 68% of electricity cost from coal and 25% of that from gas. Blogger search: Global Warming 2050-2099 “The Seizure of the U.S. Nuclear Sector”  

U.S. government management of the U.S. nuclear energy sector remains a complete unabashed waste of time, energy, money, environment, costs, litigation, global warming, and public interests after decades of the private political “progressive grassroots” management of U.S. national security energy policies.  Had nuclear energy been fully implemented 30 years ago there would be greatly reduced global greenhouse gases and reduced global warming temperature increase.  Political lack of nuclear energy development results in termination of the human races 2050-2099.   

Amendments to the Atomic Energy Act in 1954 allowed private industry to own and operate nuclear power plants, to generate electricity for the public. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) members are a federal government political agency established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.  NRC member politics are responsible for regulation of the nuclear industry, notably reactors, fuel cycle facilities, materials, and wastes (as well as other civil uses of nuclear materials).  For more than three decades the U.S. NRC members remain in place to decommission nuclear facilities—not to build new facilities.

The nation’s first commercial nuclear facility was Shippingport Atomic Power Station (1957-1982); a light water reactor built by THE DIVISION OF NAVAL REACTORS whose bid included supplying the land, the turbine generator, and research and development of the light water reactor.

Since the Shippingport Atomic Power Station project was started in 1957.  The total number of deaths associated with radiation from U.S. commercial and military nuclear power plants is ZERO.

In over 14,000 cumulative reactor-years (or 14 millennium) of commercial operation in 32 countries, there have been only three major accidents to nuclear power plants—Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima (the second being of little relevance to reactor design outside the old Soviet bloc). The risks from western nuclear power plants, in terms of the consequences of an accident, earth quake, tsunami, or terrorist attack, are minimal compared with other commonly accepted risks. Nuclear power plants are very robust.  

Accepted by the public are driving fatality rates, meaning the number of deaths per vehicle mile driven in the U.S.  In 2010 there were 1.13 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles driven.

In 2008, World Health Organization (WHO) counted coal world average deaths is 161 deaths per TWh (coal deaths are 26% of world energy deaths and 50% of world electricity deaths).   

Following the 30-year period in which few U.S. new reactors were built within states, it is expected that not more than 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 license applications to build 24 new nuclear reactors made since mid-2007. To help remove the threat of human races termination, a much larger number of nuclear reactors within the U.S. must come online prior to 2020. Political obstruction of expanding U.S. nuclear energy has resulted in missing the 2015-2020 window of opportunity to save the human races. There are no human races repeats or second chances.   

It is the building of a large number of nuclear energy facilities (paid for by regional utilities) that will generate a large number of good paying construction jobs that will reduce U.S. global warming gases.  

If nuclear energy is not re-enabled by U.S. politicians, the only alternative is to burn more fossil fuel. Outside of nuclear power, large hydro facilities, and a tiny number of geothermal stations, no alternative “renewable” energy has ever allowed any fossil fuel plants to be shut down, be avoided, or phased out.

Historically, state and federal politicians, and NRC political members, increase nuclear delays, increase costs, and increase uncertainty of the future of nuclear engineering projects by the use of legislation, litigation, and state/federal regulation. Therefore, the costs, time, and risks of investment within the U.S. nuclear energy sector have experienced unnecessarily significant investment and operation cost and risk increases.  These useless political regulatory costs are passed on to utility rate payers (you and me).

Remember it is the private nuclear industry that is responsible for, and pays for, a nuclear incident—not the NRC members. The NRC members are as functional as a third arm attached to the back of your head.

The most practical solution to reducing nuclear costs and global warming temperature increase is getting rid of the U.S. NRC members, to be replaced by a commission of nuclear industry representatives and U.S. military nuclear power experts.  

President Obama and Congress are headed to spend more money buying temporary low return-on-investment jobs as they did with Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Democrat 647-page, $825 billion February 2009 “stimulus” legislation.

In 2011, if Obama and Congress properly address the issues of national global warming temperature increase, many U.S. construction and regular jobs are created by water and electric utilities that could save the human races from termination 2050-2099.